A crumbly chocolate base, sweet peppermint filling and a decadent chocolate topping make up this Peppermint Slice. It’s incredibly delicious and so easy to make!

– Butter – White Sugar – Flour – Desiccated Coconut – Unsweetened Cocoa Powder – Baking Powder


Preheat oven to 180C / 350F. In a medium sized bowl or the bowl of your stand mixer add the butter and sugar. Cream together for 3-4 minutes or until light and fluffy.


Add the dry ingredients to the bowl with the creamed butter and sugar, the flour, cocoa powder, desiccated coconut and baking powder.


Fold the dry ingredients into the creamed butter and sugar until well combined.


Use a spoon to press the base evenly into a lined 20cm or 8″ square baking pan.


Swipe up for full recipe!